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The following are the features of these course notes:

Who Are These Notes For?

  • You've completed Programming 1.
  • You are proficient with basic programming concepts.
  • You are familiar with Object-Oriented Programming.

Documentation Conventions

You will see the following alerts throughout the course notes:


A note of important information about the topic.


Calls attention to techniques that will help you produce code that is cleaner, more understandable and more maintainable.


Tips for exposing and removing defects in your code.


Highlights common errors to help you avoid defects.


Serious errors to help you avoid defects.

Future Lesson

A concept that needs to be mentioned now, but will be discussed deeper in a future lesson.

Code Conventions

Source code examples will appear like:

namespace ADEV.ACE.RRC;

internal class HelloWorld
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("Hello, programming world!");


Many of the code examples in these course notes do not contain proper documentation. They are omitted for clarity of the example. Ensure you are following the Coding Conventions and Standards for all your graded course work.

Help Improve These Notes

You can help improve this manual in three ways:

  1. If you find any problems with this manual, alert your instructor.
  2. Contact the lead instructor by email