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Method Tests

Void Methods

Test Case:

# Test Case Test Data Expected
3 Add money Initial amount of money: 100, Parameter amount: 60 Amount of money state: 160

Testing Goal: Invoke the method and verify the object's state.

public void AddMoney_AmountOfMoneyGreaterThanZero_StateUpdated()
    // Arrange
    string name = "Kenny";
    decimal amountOfMoney = 100;

    Person person = new Person(name, amountOfMoney);

    // Act

    decimal expected = 160;

    // Reflection
    PrivateObject target = new PrivateObject(person);

    // Obtain object state
    decimal actual = (decimal)target.GetField("amountOfMoney");

    // Assert
    Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);


  • The outcome of this method is to change the state and is verified by using PrivateObject.

Non-Void Methods

Test Case:

# Test Case Test Data Expected
1 Return string representation of the Person Initial name: Kenny, Initial amount of money: 123.45M "Kenny - $123.45"

Testing Goal: Obtain the value returned from the method.

public void ToString_ReturnsStringRepresentation()
    // Arrange
    string name = "Kenny";
    decimal amountOfMoney = 123.45M;

    Person person = new Person(name, amountOfMoney);

    // Act
    string actual = person.ToString();

    string expected = "Kenny - $123.45";

    // Assert
    Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);


  • When a method returns a value, that value is captured to verify the test.