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ErrorProvider Class

Provides a user interface for indicating that a control on a form has an error associated with it.


An ErrorProvider is not a visual control on a Form, rather a component of the Form providing a "service". An ErrorProvider is used to display an icon beside a control to indicate the control has an error. When a user hovers over the icon, a Tool Tip appears showing the error description.

Error Provider Icon

Because an ErrorProvider provides the functionality to the Form, you almost always only require one instance of ErrorProvider per Form.

When you add an ErrorProvider to a Form, you will not visually see an item on the form because it is not a visual component. You will the instance of ErrorProvider listed in the component panel before the form designer.

Notable Class Members

Inherits members from the Control Class.


  • BlinkStyle - Sets or sets a value indicating when the error icon flashes.


  • GetError(Control) - Returns the current error description string for the specified control.
  • SetError(Control, String) - Sets the error description string for the specified control.
  • SetIconPadding(Control, Int32) - Sets the amount of extra space to leave between the specified control and the error icon.

Further Reading